Sunday, December 26, 2010

This Lord’s Day we return to our Foundations series. The adult Sunday School teachers will be looking at the flood in Genesis 6-9. In the morning service I am going to look at Abraham’s faith. We have church dinner after the morning service. For our afternoon devotional, Sarah is going to show pictures of her summer’s ministry in Kansas and her fall semester with the Bergens in Scotland.

Hanes’ Prayer Request

Last night, I got a phone call from my mom that my uncle John was in the hospital awaiting a possible heart surgery. He hadn’t been feeling well for quite a while and his wife, my aunt Carla, finally took him to the doctor. They immediately admitted him to the hospital and discovered he had 90% blockage in three arteries. He is undergoing triple bypass surgery this morning.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

We are doing several special Christmas things this Lord’s Day. During the Sunday School hour, each class will present “Gifts for the King.” I will tell “The Story of Daniel Davidson” during the 10a hour. And then, at 6:30p, the adult choir will present a medley of a’ capella Christmas carols. Hosts have volunteer for tables.