Pray for the Fitch family
Pray for Van, Patty, Daniel, and David Fitch. Patty’s dad passed away suddenly yesterday. They will be traveling to Ohio this weekend. Pray for Patty’s mom – Martha Patton. She has not been well.
Pray for Van, Patty, Daniel, and David Fitch. Patty’s dad passed away suddenly yesterday. They will be traveling to Ohio this weekend. Pray for Patty’s mom – Martha Patton. She has not been well.
Need some stuff? Come to the TBS rummage sale today and tomorrow. It will be held in the gym. Lots and lots of stuff available. Then come to the car wash Saturday at the church. Help the girls earn money for volleyball.
It was good to see the church full on Sunday. Pray for Pastor Rory and family this week. They are visiting Rory’s brother and Christa’s sister out east. I will begin a series on the book of Ecclesiastes this Lord’s Day. I’ve titled it “Chasing the Wind.” It is going to be a fun study on life as seen by the wisest of men.
Pastor Rory finishes 2 Corinthians in adult SS and the morning service. I preach after the church dinner.
Greetings from the chilly Amazon Jungle. Yes, you just read that correctly. Yesterday was teeth chattering cold with a low of 63 degrees and a humidity of 82%. Add in a steady breeze, clouds and mist and you need to dig out the warm clothes. Houses here are pretty open. Our windows are screened but they do not have glass to close them.