Sunday, March 6, 2011

Carolyn Price, our missionary to Bolivia, will be with us this weekend. She will be reporting to the church on what God is doing in her life during our adult Sunday School hour. A Ladies’ Tea will be held in her honor at 5:00 p.m. If you would like to contribute to a gift to Carolyn at the Tea, please give your gift to Carolyn Olson or Lin Leeds. We have Lord’s Table during the morning service.

March, 2011 Susie Kallal

What a joy it is to watch young believers grow in the Lord and desire to please Him.  I continue to oversee the children’s ministry and I praise God for the four Zambian teachers: Collins, Milda, Peggy, and Vaiter who faithfully teach each week.  Recently, I had a teachers meeting, and Collins said, “We need to start visiting in the homes of the children that come on Sunday so that we can reach th

Sunday, February 27, 2011

During our adult Sunday School hour, Randy Martin will continue his series on Finances. Last week he spoke about goals in saving money. I think this week he is going to talk about budgeting. During the morning service I will be describing Religiousman from Romans 2:17-3:8. We can see our depravity in this guy too. We have church dinner after the morning service this Lord’s Day.