It’s a boy!

Andrew James Struska was born Sunday about noon. We were informed by Gramma Sue Struska during church dinner on Sunday. 20 inches. 7 lbs 11 oz. Baby and Kimberly Latimer Struska are both healthy. For pictures and more info, check out Dale Struska on facebook.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

We come to the thesis statement of the book of Romans this week – 1:17 “The just shall live by faith.” It is not enough to Live by Faith in our justification or theology, we must live by faith in our daily walk. I think we will see this as week look at Habakkuk – the Old Testament source of this quote. Randy Martin will begin his series on finances in Sunday School. Sunday is church dinner day.

Pastor’s Buns

Now every year at the TBS auction, different ones of us offer signature crafts or home cooking to be auctioned off along with the things that are donated to the school. Following the example of others, I began to offer for sale a multi-course dinner at the parsonage.

Sunday, January 23rd

In our Romans series, I will finish Paul’s Introduction this Sunday. Paul speaks of the relationship between his life and the gospel in 1:8-16. Mr. Shaeffer is our evening service preacher. There will be quiz time on Sunday night. Joe Cheiro is looking for a competitor.