Art of Marriage is here!

For many months we have been anticipating the opportunity of being one of the 600 sites hosting the unveiling of Family Life’s new Art of Marriage DVD series. We have ordered materials for 60 couples and it looks like most of them will be used. Pray for a great conference. We begin on Friday at 7:00 p.m. and will end on Saturday at 4:00 p.m.

Lloyd Peace – February, 2011

Thank you for praying for the ministry here and for our family. Colleagues offered to pull my boat up to Benjamin where there is a mechanic who believes he knows what is wrong with the engine. It will take about 3 1/2 days to get there (250 river miles). I plan to catch the jet boat up to Benjamin next week to pick the boat up and then drive it back to Santo Antônio.

Last home basketball game

Come out to the school tomorrow at 6p for the Patriots last home basketball game of the season. We host our cross-town friends and rivals – the Falcons of Fond du Lac Christian School. The Patriots have played well against the Falcons this year. Come have supper at our concession stand and cheer on the Patriots.