Vacation Bible School is August 14th – 17th

This week is Vacation Bible School. We begin with the Sunday School hour this Sunday and continue Sunday through Wednesday evenings at 6:30p. VBS begins in the auditorium with flag pledges, great songs, and a Bible story. Then we will dismiss into classes for lesson sheets and work on our verse. Finally we will return to the auditorium for games and a closing. Snacks at 8!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

This Lord’s Day begins Vacation Bible School at Trinity Baptist Church. We will have 5 sessions: Sunday morning at 8:45a, and Sunday through Wednesday evening at 6:30p. Our theme is The Lord’s Army. We are going to learn lessons from 5 battles we see in the Old Testament. Adults and teens are welcome to come to the opening when the Bible Story for the night will be told.

Our sympathies go to the Curt Carter family

Please pray for Curt Carter and his family. We had been praying for Curt’s step-dad because of his declining health. Curt’s step-dad passed away yesterday. Curt and Sue also learned last night that Curt’s brother Brad had died recently. Pray for grace and strength for Curt and his family. Pray for wisdom for the Carters as they respond to the opportunities these deaths might bring them.