Sunday, October 16, 2011

In the Sunday School hour this coming Lord’s Day finds us at the end of Darryl Mayes’ series “Sticks, Stones, and Living Waters” pictures of Christ in the Old Testament. We learn how to “receive” believers into the church during the preaching time from Romans 14. Our Sunday evening preacher is Regan Martin. I believe he is quoting from Isaiah.

Krauses have a girl!

Kimberly Krause went into the hospital around noon yesterday and she delivered her new GIRL around 7:30pm last night. Isabella Rose Krause was born at 8 lbs. 6 oz. / 20 inches long. Tim and Kimberly and the boys were able to spend some time last night together and we are rejoicing with them over the birth of the new little girl. Continue to pray for them as they adjust to the addition.

International Dinner

Our annual International Dinner is a great evening of potluck food and fun for the whole family. Joel and Joanie Troester, missionaries to Mozambique, will be our guests for the evening. Come join us on Saturday, October 22nd at 6:00 p.m. Be thinking of what foreign fare you might share.