Sunday, November 13, 2011

I begin a new preaching series this Lord’s Day at 10a. It is a 4-week sermon series on the book of Esther. This is an amazing drama worthy of the best efforts of screen and stage. Come learn about the working of God in a pagan land 2500 years ago. During our 8:45a hour, the adult Bible study teachers are continuing their work through the book of Ephesians from the Word of God.


We have a wonderful opportunity this coming Sunday evening! Praise4mation is presenting an hour of gospel music at Trinity Baptist Church. This concert will be held during our regular Sunday evening service time. Dave Douglass and Randy Martin – both from TBC – sing lead and tenor in this quartet. Invite a friend who loves music and come for a great evening.

Lloyd Peace – 2011, November 9

Thanksgiving: We are thankful for so many things. Here are just a few…
our faithful prayer warriors
our faithful financial partners
fellowship we have been enjoying with our home church family
renewing friendships and acquaintances during our furlough travels
time spent with family and friends
kids are enjoying Ottumwa Christian School and a break from homeschooling

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Our current walk through the book of Romans ends this coming Lord’s Day. I hope you have learned and benefited from our time in this book this year. I know I have. We will look at Paul’s last words in the second half of Romans 16 during the morning service. Our adult Bible studies are beginning the book of Ephesians during the Sunday School hour.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

We had a full house this past Lord’s Day! We were joined by the Dave and Barb Herron and the women’s volleyball of Northland International University. They taught teen Sunday School, provided special music, and brought testimonies during the after-dinner devotions. Our adult Sunday School classes gave introduction to a new series on the book of Ephesians.