11. Galatians 6:1-5 Bear One Another’s Burdens
11. Galatians 6:1-5 Bear One Another’s Burdens
Are there monasteries in Christianity? Pastor challenges the church body to unify together as we walk in the Spirit of God.
11. Galatians 6:1-5 Bear One Another’s Burdens
Are there monasteries in Christianity? Pastor challenges the church body to unify together as we walk in the Spirit of God.
19. A Broken Reed or the Rock of Ages (Ezekiel 29-32) – What problems can develop when we trust man instead of God? Pastor Leeds explains the fall of Egypt and its impact on Israel as well the sin of pride we develop when we stop trusting God and replace him with man. download
Dr. Kevin Bauder – “Good Things in Small Packages: Philemon
Dr. Bauder continues his 5 sermon series of one chapter books in Philemon. Does God have a plan for your life? Dr. Bauder preaches from Philemon about God’s Providence.
Easter Morning: “First to Mary” John 20:11-18, Mark 16:9-11
Do we believe like Mary so that our belief drives our actions? Pastor tells Mary’s side of Resurrection.
Jeremy Shaeffer’s Ordination Service Coach Gary Garrison gives a charge to Jeremy and Pastor Leeds gives a charge to the church regarding it’s duty. download http://trinityfdl.net/audio/special/Jeremy'sOrdination04172016am.mp3
27. The New Land (Ezekiel 47-48) – What is it about the new land God will give Israel that makes it so special? After a two week hiatus, Pastor Leeds returns to Ezekiel to explain the importance of the presence of God within the land of Israel during the Millennial Kingdom. download
How did Joseph sacrifice his reputation for Mary? Pastor focuses our attention to christmas by telling four different stories.