Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Dear Trinity Baptist Church Family, It is Veteran’s Day. Pause and remember. Hundreds of thousands of Americans have died fighting in wars for our country. I believe most of these wars contributed in one way or another to my liberty. Many living veterans have given a major portion of their life for the benefit of others. Today is a day to pause, remember, and give thanks to God for all of them.

My baby white blood cells didn’t show up on Monday. So, I was put on hold on week 2 – no chemo. My chemo will resume this coming Monday if my numbers are good. While this is frustrating because I’d like to have the 9-week process finished, it is a blessing to feel my body heal this week. I am stronger each day. I continue to desire and thank you for your prayers.

Maranatha Baptist University’s Symphonic Band is coming to Trinity Baptist this Sunday. At the 8:45a Sunday School hour they will give a 45- minute concert that will include testimonies and news about the school. In our 10a worship hour, they will present a 50-55 minute concert. I will preach a 12-minute sermon. We are going to attempt to keep our Congregation separate from the University people for COVID reasons. They will be setting up their instruments early and then go downstairs for breakfast. Between Sunday School and church, they will use the steps by the front of the auditorium to use the basement bathrooms. After Church they will remain on stage or use the east exit. Please do not shake their hands or attempt to mingle with them. They desire to finish their semester without a COVID outbreak on campus! We will receive a second offering on Sunday as a gift to the University. It has been a long time since we have had a group like this at Trinity Baptist and I am excited about this.

Pray for our country – for peace and protection. Pray for COVID to go away and for God to give us wisdom in dealing with it. Pray for our rulers. Pray for healing. Pray for the McCrary’s in their grief. Pray for our church to respond rightly to the Word of God. Pray for our missionaries. Pray for one another.

Embracing Truth, Pastor

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