Vote Tomorrow!
Don’t forget to vote tomorrow!. Not that all the signs around town will let you forget. Make sure your voice is heard in this special election.
Don’t forget to vote tomorrow!. Not that all the signs around town will let you forget. Make sure your voice is heard in this special election.
This week is Vacation Bible School. We begin with the Sunday School hour this Sunday and continue Sunday through Wednesday evenings at 6:30p. VBS begins in the auditorium with flag pledges, great songs, and a Bible story. Then we will dismiss into classes for lesson sheets and work on our verse. Finally we will return to the auditorium for games and a closing. Snacks at 8!
Please pray for Curt Carter and his family. We had been praying for Curt’s step-dad because of his declining health. Curt’s step-dad passed away yesterday. Curt and Sue also learned last night that Curt’s brother Brad had died recently. Pray for grace and strength for Curt and his family. Pray for wisdom for the Carters as they respond to the opportunities these deaths might bring them.
The Patriots had a very busy week of basketball. On Monday the guys lost a competitive game with Wyldewood Baptist Church. On Tuesday the girls won two games (elementary and junior high) over St. Pauls’ in Brownsville. Then on Thursday the guys won an exciting contest against the All-Stars of Rawhide. This was our last home game, so Mr.
I want to thank everyone for praying for my visit with Arvil Price. It was an interesting visit to say the least. His first comment to me was that he had thought I was still going to be a little girl. I surprised him on both counts!
Come tonight to 400 East Johnson Street at 7p for the TBS Christmas program. The 3rd – 6th grades of TBS are featured tonight with additional music provided by the K-2nd Grades and the High School Choir. An offering will be taken for a Christmas gift to our teaching staff.
We are planning on attending snow camp at Northland Camp and Conference Center again this year. I hope that many of our youth will take advantage of this opportunity to put themselves under the teaching of the Word of God.
This week is Vacation Bible School. We begin with the Sunday School hour this Sunday and continue Sunday through Wednesday evenings at 6:30p. VBS begins in the auditorium with flag pledges, great songs, and a Bible story. Then we will dismiss into classes for lesson sheets and work on our verse. Finally we will return to the auditorium for games and a closing. Snacks at 8!
Please pray for Curt Carter and his family. We had been praying for Curt’s step-dad because of his declining health. Curt’s step-dad passed away yesterday. Curt and Sue also learned last night that Curt’s brother Brad had died recently. Pray for grace and strength for Curt and his family. Pray for wisdom for the Carters as they respond to the opportunities these deaths might bring them.
The Patriots had a very busy week of basketball. On Monday the guys lost a competitive game with Wyldewood Baptist Church. On Tuesday the girls won two games (elementary and junior high) over St. Pauls’ in Brownsville. Then on Thursday the guys won an exciting contest against the All-Stars of Rawhide. This was our last home game, so Mr.
I want to thank everyone for praying for my visit with Arvil Price. It was an interesting visit to say the least. His first comment to me was that he had thought I was still going to be a little girl. I surprised him on both counts!
Come tonight to 400 East Johnson Street at 7p for the TBS Christmas program. The 3rd – 6th grades of TBS are featured tonight with additional music provided by the K-2nd Grades and the High School Choir. An offering will be taken for a Christmas gift to our teaching staff.
We are planning on attending snow camp at Northland Camp and Conference Center again this year. I hope that many of our youth will take advantage of this opportunity to put themselves under the teaching of the Word of God.
This week is Vacation Bible School. We begin with the Sunday School hour this Sunday and continue Sunday through Wednesday evenings at 6:30p. VBS begins in the auditorium with flag pledges, great songs, and a Bible story. Then we will dismiss into classes for lesson sheets and work on our verse. Finally we will return to the auditorium for games and a closing. Snacks at 8!
Please pray for Curt Carter and his family. We had been praying for Curt’s step-dad because of his declining health. Curt’s step-dad passed away yesterday. Curt and Sue also learned last night that Curt’s brother Brad had died recently. Pray for grace and strength for Curt and his family. Pray for wisdom for the Carters as they respond to the opportunities these deaths might bring them.
The Patriots had a very busy week of basketball. On Monday the guys lost a competitive game with Wyldewood Baptist Church. On Tuesday the girls won two games (elementary and junior high) over St. Pauls’ in Brownsville. Then on Thursday the guys won an exciting contest against the All-Stars of Rawhide. This was our last home game, so Mr.
I want to thank everyone for praying for my visit with Arvil Price. It was an interesting visit to say the least. His first comment to me was that he had thought I was still going to be a little girl. I surprised him on both counts!
Come tonight to 400 East Johnson Street at 7p for the TBS Christmas program. The 3rd – 6th grades of TBS are featured tonight with additional music provided by the K-2nd Grades and the High School Choir. An offering will be taken for a Christmas gift to our teaching staff.
We are planning on attending snow camp at Northland Camp and Conference Center again this year. I hope that many of our youth will take advantage of this opportunity to put themselves under the teaching of the Word of God.