Thursday, November 21, 2019

Dear Trinity Baptist Church Family, On my Facebook, I often mark this day as the first day of the two darkest months of the year. We are down to 9 1/2 hours of sunlight per day – that’s if the sun shines at all. The week of Christmas we will dip to just under 9 hours of daylight. In the past I have tried to encourage myself with the thought that spring will come. It always does!

This year I am determined to complain less about the lack of daylight. I ask you around me to hold me accountable. I know that what really matters is God and His light in me through His Spirit and His Word. I know that come aging or illness or financial setbacks or a lack of sunlight, Jesus loves me. Jesus is my Friend who will never leave me nor forsake me.

So chin up, fellow citizens. Though we live in days that are spiritually and physically darker than we would choose, we do not have have to be subjects of the darkness. We can and ought to be citizens of the Light!

This Sunday morning in our worship, we are going to see several components of a successful home described in the book of Proverbs. It is my goal that we be encouraged. Our missionary who will present in the adult Sunday School hour and again after church dinner, desires to minister to a limited-access people group. Come learn about their unique ministry goals.

Sunday is Church Dinner Day! Woohoo! Bring a dish to share and come for a great time of food and fellowship that begins soon after the morning service. I am doing a big turkey and going to also bring dressing and gravy.

A week from Saturday, on November 30th, we are decorating the church for Christmas. This is an opportunity for families to work together. We will begin at 2p. This is a no food event. The goal is to work together and make our place appealing to celebrate the goodness of our God to us. Bring small tools. If you have questions, see Amy Braker.

Enjoy the Light. Embracing Truth, Pastor

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