Thursday, March 12, 2020

Dear Trinity Baptist Church Family: Psalm 56:3 “When ever I am afraid, I will trust in You.” My personality tends to be “full steam ahead.” If I have made plans or have set a course of action, I don’t change easily. So what I perceive to be hysteria concerning this year’s strain of the coronavirus is irritating me. I do understand the travel restrictions. I also understand the actions taken by the NBA given that they have an infected player. But I do want to remind Christians that God is not surprised by this and He might just be giving us an opportunity to show His true colors!

Today, the Wisconsin Association of Christian School decided to postpone the state-wide high school academic competition scheduled for tomorrow. Because this change affects half of our students and staff, Trinity Baptist School has chosen to take a “snow day” for tomorrow, Friday the 13th. (Irony intended.)

On the encouragement of the American Association of Christian Schools, I examined website materials the US Center for Disease Control has prepared for school administrators. I also read the Wisconsin Department of Health and Human Services’ recommendations for schools. Neither of these organizations is recommending the closing of schools at this time.

What ought to be the policy and plans for Trinity Baptist Church going forward in the next days?

– First and foremost, if someone is sick (running a fever or coughing and sneezing) they ought to stay home from school, church, and Awana. This coronavirus has not been shown to be acquired from surface contact, but through the air in person to person contact – within 6 feet. 

– We will continue to listen to what state and local government official recommend.

– We encourage children – and everyone else – to wash their hands and cover their sneeze. It’s better to sneeze in a sleeve than in a hand and not wash it.

– School staff will continue (as we have for years) to issue disinfectant wipes for students and staff to use to wipe desks, tables, handrails, light switches, and doors.

– We will not have a spirit of fear, but of love and hope and peace.

At this point we don’t plan to cancel any services or activities of Trinity Baptist Church. (Again, if you are sick, please stay away!) If the changing situation proves that it is not wise for our Congregation to continue scheduled services and activities, we will make those cancellations when the time comes.

If you deem it unwise to worship with us, please listen in through the Trinity Baptist Church facebook page. And you could even give your offerings through our website! But please know, it’s better to worship in the presence of your church family. Jesus did not say, “when two or three are listening through the internet” but “where two or three are gathered.”

Sickness is part of this life. And every winter is going to bring a new concoction of bugs. This winter has been rough and this new form of coronavirus is hard on the elderly and those with compromised health. But believers know God is not surprised nor worried.

Embracing Truth, Pastor

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