Things Gone Wrong

Last evening at church I asked someone how her week was going. She replied, “Pastor, you don’t want to ask.” She proceeded to tell me about all the irritating things gone wrong in their life this week. I am ashamed to say I did not listen very closely to what she said. I was too busy telling her about all the things gone wrong in my life: a dryer vent full of lint, an unwanted phone call from the bank, a student who blames me for the undone homework, a broken faucet, a plugged up toilet, and I have a virus that likes my throat.

So what does a person do when life seems to be one thing gone wrong after another? Well, we all make a choice. That’s what we do. We choose to be angry or frustrated or discouraged. Or we choose to remember that we have a God who loves us and gives us grace enough for every moment though we plainly live in a very broken world.

So I cleaned out the dryer vent, visited the bank, called the plumber, explained life to the student, cleaned out the toilet, put a cough drop in my mouth, and wrote this essay. DL

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