Saturday, May 5, 2018

Dear Trinity Baptist Church Family, Malachi 3:6 “For I am the Lord, I do not change; Therefore you are not consumed, O sons of Jacob.” Are you not glad today that your God is ALWAYS compassionate, ALWAYS forgiving, and ALWAYS merciful!

Bev Baum has just asked us to pray for a friend from where she lives who was taken away in an ambulance. Her name is Teresa.

Also pray for the John Riedel family. John passed away yesterday afternoon. Pray for his daughters and family that they might look to Jesus at this time.

As we prepared to go out to eat last night, Lin asked where we were going. She wanted to know whether shorts were appropriate or what she should wear. Tomorrow is Lord’s Table. I am not suggesting you have to dress up to join us, but … it is the Lord’s Table. Perhaps the better questions we ought to ask ourselves concern what’s on our insides. Do we have unconfessed sin? Do we have an unforgiving spirit? Do we have bitterness or anger towards God or another part of the family of God? Are we filled with greed or lust? Are you going to be ready to join us at the table? Life is short.

Embracing Truth, Pastor

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