Prepare yourself to attend Trinity Baptist on Sunday, January 15, 2012

Here a Little for 1-15-2012

Monday – read James 1:13-16
What is wrong with the saying “the devil made me do it”?

Tuesday – read James 1:13-16
About what is James concerned we might be deceived?

Wednesday -read James 1:17-21
How can you apply these verses today?

Thursday – read Ephesians 4:1-3
What characteristic most contributes to unity?

Friday – read Ephesians 4:4-6
What basis do we have to separate from another Christian?

Saturday – read Ephesians 4:1-6
In this context, how can we “walk worthy”?

Pray for us …
Church Ministry: Finance Committee: Nestor Delica, Tony Braker, Daniel Fitch, Ezekiel Leeds, David Olson, Dick Winkler
They count the offerings, sign checks, submit budgets, report to the church.

Church-supported Missionary: Wayne and Carol Vawter
Dr. Vawter is the Missions Director of the Wisconsin Fellowship of Baptist Church. He is the only paid staff employee of our state fellowship of churches.
Wayne and Carol counsel and help church planters, churches, and pastors around the state.
The WFBC has about 100 church members.

Parts of the Body, this Congregation:
Sam and Lisa Kaufman, Ahsley, Alex, and Ryan
Sam has a full load with his law office.
The children are enrolled at TBS.

Patricia Kaufman
Sam’s mom has struggled with some health issues.

Paul and JoAnn Kleinmaus, Brittany, Ashley, Joshua, Sam
Paul needs snow for his plowing business!
Brittany just turned 18 and is thinking of working in day care.
Ashley and Josh are in the Fondy schools, Sam is at TBS.