Mr. Shaeffer’s birthday is today!
Mr. Shaeffer’s birthday is today! He turns 33. Please congratulate him. We will sing to him at the games tonight!
Mr. Shaeffer’s birthday is today! He turns 33. Please congratulate him. We will sing to him at the games tonight!
Monday – read Psalm 22
Describe David’s thoughts as he wrote this Psalm.
Tuesday – read Isaiah 53
Describe Jesus from this text.
Wednesday -read Matthew 26:1-16
What did the actions of Mary say about Jesus?
Thursday – read Matthew 26:26-30
How might the disciples have known Jesus was speaking figuratively?
Friday – read Matthew 27:27-44
Today marks two weeks since climbing onto the plane that brought us back “home” to Maputo, Mozambique. While house hunting has been our main focus, many other things have been happening.
We praise the Lord for record-breaking ease and speed through customs here in Maputo. Extra baggage always draws attention. Thank you for your prayers.
Monday – read Psalm 119:1-8
What is true of those who walk in God’s law?
Tuesday – read Psalm 119:9-16
How can we keep ourself from sin?
Wednesday -read Psalm 119:17-24
What is the believer’s relationship with the world?
Thursday – read Psalm 119:25-32
Where does the believer find refreshment for his soul?
Friday – read Psalm 119:33-40
We had a full house this past Lord’s Day! We were joined by the Dave and Barb Herron and the women’s volleyball of Northland International University. They taught teen Sunday School, provided special music, and brought testimonies during the after-dinner devotions. Our adult Sunday School classes gave introduction to a new series on the book of Ephesians.
The Patriots had a very busy week of basketball. On Monday the guys lost a competitive game with Wyldewood Baptist Church. On Tuesday the girls won two games (elementary and junior high) over St. Pauls’ in Brownsville. Then on Thursday the guys won an exciting contest against the All-Stars of Rawhide. This was our last home game, so Mr.
The Maranatha Baptist Bible College men’s soccer team is coming to Trinity Baptist this coming Lord’s Day – and not to play soccer. They are going to sing for us. They will bring specials during Sunday School opening and the morning service. During the Sunday School hour our adults teachers will be teaching Holy Spirit filling – Ephesians 5:18-21.
Monday – read Psalm 22
Describe David’s thoughts as he wrote this Psalm.
Tuesday – read Isaiah 53
Describe Jesus from this text.
Wednesday -read Matthew 26:1-16
What did the actions of Mary say about Jesus?
Thursday – read Matthew 26:26-30
How might the disciples have known Jesus was speaking figuratively?
Friday – read Matthew 27:27-44
Today marks two weeks since climbing onto the plane that brought us back “home” to Maputo, Mozambique. While house hunting has been our main focus, many other things have been happening.
We praise the Lord for record-breaking ease and speed through customs here in Maputo. Extra baggage always draws attention. Thank you for your prayers.
Monday – read Psalm 119:1-8
What is true of those who walk in God’s law?
Tuesday – read Psalm 119:9-16
How can we keep ourself from sin?
Wednesday -read Psalm 119:17-24
What is the believer’s relationship with the world?
Thursday – read Psalm 119:25-32
Where does the believer find refreshment for his soul?
Friday – read Psalm 119:33-40
We had a full house this past Lord’s Day! We were joined by the Dave and Barb Herron and the women’s volleyball of Northland International University. They taught teen Sunday School, provided special music, and brought testimonies during the after-dinner devotions. Our adult Sunday School classes gave introduction to a new series on the book of Ephesians.
The Patriots had a very busy week of basketball. On Monday the guys lost a competitive game with Wyldewood Baptist Church. On Tuesday the girls won two games (elementary and junior high) over St. Pauls’ in Brownsville. Then on Thursday the guys won an exciting contest against the All-Stars of Rawhide. This was our last home game, so Mr.
The Maranatha Baptist Bible College men’s soccer team is coming to Trinity Baptist this coming Lord’s Day – and not to play soccer. They are going to sing for us. They will bring specials during Sunday School opening and the morning service. During the Sunday School hour our adults teachers will be teaching Holy Spirit filling – Ephesians 5:18-21.
Monday – read Psalm 22
Describe David’s thoughts as he wrote this Psalm.
Tuesday – read Isaiah 53
Describe Jesus from this text.
Wednesday -read Matthew 26:1-16
What did the actions of Mary say about Jesus?
Thursday – read Matthew 26:26-30
How might the disciples have known Jesus was speaking figuratively?
Friday – read Matthew 27:27-44
Today marks two weeks since climbing onto the plane that brought us back “home” to Maputo, Mozambique. While house hunting has been our main focus, many other things have been happening.
We praise the Lord for record-breaking ease and speed through customs here in Maputo. Extra baggage always draws attention. Thank you for your prayers.
Monday – read Psalm 119:1-8
What is true of those who walk in God’s law?
Tuesday – read Psalm 119:9-16
How can we keep ourself from sin?
Wednesday -read Psalm 119:17-24
What is the believer’s relationship with the world?
Thursday – read Psalm 119:25-32
Where does the believer find refreshment for his soul?
Friday – read Psalm 119:33-40
We had a full house this past Lord’s Day! We were joined by the Dave and Barb Herron and the women’s volleyball of Northland International University. They taught teen Sunday School, provided special music, and brought testimonies during the after-dinner devotions. Our adult Sunday School classes gave introduction to a new series on the book of Ephesians.
The Patriots had a very busy week of basketball. On Monday the guys lost a competitive game with Wyldewood Baptist Church. On Tuesday the girls won two games (elementary and junior high) over St. Pauls’ in Brownsville. Then on Thursday the guys won an exciting contest against the All-Stars of Rawhide. This was our last home game, so Mr.
The Maranatha Baptist Bible College men’s soccer team is coming to Trinity Baptist this coming Lord’s Day – and not to play soccer. They are going to sing for us. They will bring specials during Sunday School opening and the morning service. During the Sunday School hour our adults teachers will be teaching Holy Spirit filling – Ephesians 5:18-21.