Mr. Shaeffer’s birthday is today!
Mr. Shaeffer’s birthday is today! He turns 33. Please congratulate him. We will sing to him at the games tonight!
Mr. Shaeffer’s birthday is today! He turns 33. Please congratulate him. We will sing to him at the games tonight!
Monday – read Mark 1:1-4
Who is the “voice” and “messenger”?
Tuesday – read Mark 1:5-8
What did John preach?
Wednesday -read Mark 1:9-13
At His baptism, who testified of Jesus?
Thursday – read Mark 1:14-15
What was the content of Jesus’ preaching?
Friday – read Mark 1:16-20
How is ministry like fishing?
Saturday – read Mark 1:21-22
We had a full house this past Lord’s Day! We were joined by the Dave and Barb Herron and the women’s volleyball of Northland International University. They taught teen Sunday School, provided special music, and brought testimonies during the after-dinner devotions. Our adult Sunday School classes gave introduction to a new series on the book of Ephesians.
If anyone is interested I posted my thoughts on the popular book Heaven Is for Real on my blog this afternoon. You can find the post here. The comment section is always open over there if you want to share your thoughts.
This past Lord’s Day we were honored to have Nestor Lubuguin as our guest minister. Nestor has been a missionary staff member of TBC for over 20 years. He pastors a church in the Philippines that has started over 20 other churches. His daughter and son-in=law were also with us for the morning. They are on deputation to go to the Philippines as church planters.
Today marks two weeks since climbing onto the plane that brought us back “home” to Maputo, Mozambique. While house hunting has been our main focus, many other things have been happening.
We praise the Lord for record-breaking ease and speed through customs here in Maputo. Extra baggage always draws attention. Thank you for your prayers.
Come cheer on our teams on Tuesday. The girls will play Faith Lutheran at 4:30p and the guys will play Fond du Lac Christian at 6:30p. The atmosphere is fun and the concessions are great. The competition should be good too! Our teams had a great Friday night. The girls lost a very competitive game against Reedsburg and the guys furthered their undefeated streak. Come for a great evening.
Monday – read Mark 1:1-4
Who is the “voice” and “messenger”?
Tuesday – read Mark 1:5-8
What did John preach?
Wednesday -read Mark 1:9-13
At His baptism, who testified of Jesus?
Thursday – read Mark 1:14-15
What was the content of Jesus’ preaching?
Friday – read Mark 1:16-20
How is ministry like fishing?
Saturday – read Mark 1:21-22
We had a full house this past Lord’s Day! We were joined by the Dave and Barb Herron and the women’s volleyball of Northland International University. They taught teen Sunday School, provided special music, and brought testimonies during the after-dinner devotions. Our adult Sunday School classes gave introduction to a new series on the book of Ephesians.
If anyone is interested I posted my thoughts on the popular book Heaven Is for Real on my blog this afternoon. You can find the post here. The comment section is always open over there if you want to share your thoughts.
This past Lord’s Day we were honored to have Nestor Lubuguin as our guest minister. Nestor has been a missionary staff member of TBC for over 20 years. He pastors a church in the Philippines that has started over 20 other churches. His daughter and son-in=law were also with us for the morning. They are on deputation to go to the Philippines as church planters.
Today marks two weeks since climbing onto the plane that brought us back “home” to Maputo, Mozambique. While house hunting has been our main focus, many other things have been happening.
We praise the Lord for record-breaking ease and speed through customs here in Maputo. Extra baggage always draws attention. Thank you for your prayers.
Come cheer on our teams on Tuesday. The girls will play Faith Lutheran at 4:30p and the guys will play Fond du Lac Christian at 6:30p. The atmosphere is fun and the concessions are great. The competition should be good too! Our teams had a great Friday night. The girls lost a very competitive game against Reedsburg and the guys furthered their undefeated streak. Come for a great evening.
Monday – read Mark 1:1-4
Who is the “voice” and “messenger”?
Tuesday – read Mark 1:5-8
What did John preach?
Wednesday -read Mark 1:9-13
At His baptism, who testified of Jesus?
Thursday – read Mark 1:14-15
What was the content of Jesus’ preaching?
Friday – read Mark 1:16-20
How is ministry like fishing?
Saturday – read Mark 1:21-22
We had a full house this past Lord’s Day! We were joined by the Dave and Barb Herron and the women’s volleyball of Northland International University. They taught teen Sunday School, provided special music, and brought testimonies during the after-dinner devotions. Our adult Sunday School classes gave introduction to a new series on the book of Ephesians.
If anyone is interested I posted my thoughts on the popular book Heaven Is for Real on my blog this afternoon. You can find the post here. The comment section is always open over there if you want to share your thoughts.
This past Lord’s Day we were honored to have Nestor Lubuguin as our guest minister. Nestor has been a missionary staff member of TBC for over 20 years. He pastors a church in the Philippines that has started over 20 other churches. His daughter and son-in=law were also with us for the morning. They are on deputation to go to the Philippines as church planters.
Today marks two weeks since climbing onto the plane that brought us back “home” to Maputo, Mozambique. While house hunting has been our main focus, many other things have been happening.
We praise the Lord for record-breaking ease and speed through customs here in Maputo. Extra baggage always draws attention. Thank you for your prayers.
Come cheer on our teams on Tuesday. The girls will play Faith Lutheran at 4:30p and the guys will play Fond du Lac Christian at 6:30p. The atmosphere is fun and the concessions are great. The competition should be good too! Our teams had a great Friday night. The girls lost a very competitive game against Reedsburg and the guys furthered their undefeated streak. Come for a great evening.