Mom Time
7 ladies, 15 small children, and one baby sitter. The church is a busy place this morning. How wonderful that the church building is being so used.
7 ladies, 15 small children, and one baby sitter. The church is a busy place this morning. How wonderful that the church building is being so used.
Monday – read Mark 5:21-34
Contrast Jairus’ daughter and the woman with the bleeding issue.
Tuesday – read Mark 5:35-43
Why did Jesus not grieve at the death of the girl?
Wednesday -read Mark 6:1-6
What amazed Jesus when He was in His hometown?
Thursday – read Mark 6:7-13
What was the topic of the sermon preached by the disciples?
Friday – read Mark 6:14-29
Dear Trinity Baptist Church Family. First, I want to rejoice with you about the success of Souped Up! We sent out about 80 dinners at lunch time, made about 40 gallons of soup, had a busy gym for a couple of hours at dinner time, and will profit over $1,000 towards the TBS fundraising efforts….
The Patriots had a very busy week of basketball. On Monday the guys lost a competitive game with Wyldewood Baptist Church. On Tuesday the girls won two games (elementary and junior high) over St. Pauls’ in Brownsville. Then on Thursday the guys won an exciting contest against the All-Stars of Rawhide. This was our last home game, so Mr.
Don’t forget to vote tomorrow!. Not that all the signs around town will let you forget. Make sure your voice is heard in this special election.
Thanksgiving: We are thankful for so many things. Here are just a few…
our faithful prayer warriors
our faithful financial partners
fellowship we have been enjoying with our home church family
renewing friendships and acquaintances during our furlough travels
time spent with family and friends
kids are enjoying Ottumwa Christian School and a break from homeschooling
Come tonight to 400 East Johnson Street at 7p for the TBS Christmas program. The 3rd – 6th grades of TBS are featured tonight with additional music provided by the K-2nd Grades and the High School Choir. An offering will be taken for a Christmas gift to our teaching staff.