Mission Team Report

Dear Trinity Baptist Church Family: Charlie just called me and gave me a quick report on how their week in Sturgeon Bay is going. One family had only visited the church in the past and has been faithful this week. A new family with 2 children came last night. They had 7 children last night. Though these are not large numbers, the contacts are good. Pastor Marsden is taking advantage of the time the children are busy to speak with the parents.

Charlie also reports that good ministry is happening among our team members. They have taken time for devotions and have had good opportunity to talk about spiritual things. Also the teens are doing much of the lesson teaching at VBS.

Pray for the team as they continue to make contacts today and tomorrow and that God might bring in families and children for these last two evenings of VBS. Also pray for God’s Spirit to cement good decisions in the minds of our Team Members. Pray for strength and grace for the Team.

Sarah has posted pictures on the TBC Facebook page. Pastor Shaeffer and the team are going to be bringing us a report on this mission on a soon coming Sunday evening.

Embracing Truth, Pastor

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