Lloyd Peace – November 7, 2012

Dear Praying Friends,
Thanks for praying for us.
On Sunday I had the privilege of baptizing Jacob, age 9, at our home church. We are excited for his choosing to follow Christ in this way.
These next few weeks will give plenty of opportunity for ministry for our family: teaching Sunday School classes, helping with a children’s ministry, preaching while our pastor is on vacation, giving the devotional at a ladies meeting and fixing a meal for the college and career group amongst other things. In the next few weeks, our Brazilian friend that I have been discipling will be following in believer’s baptism. We are excited for his decision.

We continue to be thankful for the contact we have with many of our teens in Brazil whether it be by phone, e-mail or Facebook. We sure miss them! Please continue to pray for our coworker, Carolee, who is anxious for our return as she is shouldering a lot of responsibility by herself right now.

Athena’s chest CT will be repeated on November 29th. She has an appointment scheduled with the oncologist on December 3rd at which time we will get the results of the scan. We are still hoping and praying to return to Brazil at the end of December.

We posted some new photos to Facebook yesterday. Here’s the link: https://www.facebook.com/lloydandathenapeace .

Your colaborers in reaching the world for Christ,
Lloyd, Athena, Julia, Jessica, Jacob and Lucas Peace