Lloyd and Athena Peace – March 9, 2012

Praise the Lord! The University of Iowa called us today to let us know that things had been basically resolved. We have an appointment with the oncologist here in town again on Monday morning to finalize details of Athena’s chemo. We need to pick a day of the week that all of Athena’s treatments will fall on. We are thinking that Mondays may be a good choice so she has time to rest while the kids are in school during the week.

Please join us in thanking God. There have been many opportunities to testify to others of God’s goodness even through difficult situations. We are confident that God will continue to bring these opportunities our way in the months ahead.

I’m also excited for the opportunity God is giving me to study the Bible with two young men.

Thank you for praying with us.

Lloyd, Athena, Julia, Jessica, Jacob and Lucas Peace

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