Liam Curtis Leeds
I am married to a gramma! Liam Curtis Leeds was born Saturday night at 10:26p. He is 8 lbs and 21″. Congratulations Hannah and Zeke.
I am married to a gramma! Liam Curtis Leeds was born Saturday night at 10:26p. He is 8 lbs and 21″. Congratulations Hannah and Zeke.
Ross Purcell is home but very weak. Pray that he would have a couple of quiet weeks to regain some strength.
This coming Lord’s Day will be the final installment on our current adult Bible studies in Jeremiah, Galatians, and “Spouse as Friend.” New classes will begin on January 13, 2013. We will resume our walk in Colossians in the morning service getting a picture of a “perfect” Christian from Colossians 3:15-17 – really from Colossians…
Just a quick reminder that there is no Bible studies or Awana tonight. We will be back on schedule on January 2, 2013.
On Christmas Eve Carol took Ross back to the hospital. His white blood count was dangerously low and his fever could not be kept down. Pray for he and Carol and Ross fights this cancer and the chemo.