Carolyn Price – February 28, 2012
Before I forget, I want to thank those who prayed for the meeting with the Deaf association here in Santa Cruz. They were looking for someone to help with writing curriculum for Deaf teachers in the schools here in Bolivia. It’s a great project, and I think I would have enjoyed it, but since I would have to travel at least 2 hours on a bus to get to their office – and they are only work half a day – it was decided that they would look for someone else. The main interpreter is a Christian and she was excited about our lesson project as she works with 30 Deaf in her church, so hopefully in the future we will be in contact as she was very interested.
The Lord keeps opening doors of ministry here. I am now helping with the discipleship of two young women. In April, I will begin teaching Sunday school with the pre-teens in the church I am attending. I am adjusting to life in Santa Cruz, slowing but surely – probably greatly helped by the fact I now have a real bed, and air conditioning. (I am quite content!) Someone asked me the other day if I missed the large house I had in Sucre. As I look around at my one room, I really can’t think of anything I miss. “Things” only get dusty anyway!
We are now up to 20 lessons, with only 7 needing teacher’s guides. There is still much editing and tweaking to do. Jhovana, one of the girls from Megumi, is going to help me with the teacher’ guides for the hearing. Elena, who also lives at Megumi, loves to help me with cutting, coloring, or whatever help I need with the lessons. She has much talent, and will be helping me with the guides for the Deaf. These guides must be adapted more to the language structure of the Sign Language. God is putting together a great team for this project. This is a tremendous blessing to me. Though I am comfortable in speaking Spanish (I’m told my errors are “cute” – whatever that means) :-), I am quite aware that my writing skills are…well, they are sorely lacking in Spanish. There are a couple of ideas for new projects in the future that will compliment what we are doing. Please pray for wisdom for all of us.
Jhovana taught one of the lessons at the Bible institute she is attending. She told me that everyone wanted a copy and that the secretary told her that she’d even be willing to pay for copies of future lessons. I told Jhovana tell her that she only has to pay to photocopy them – they are to be used for the Lord! As payment, she can invite me to her house one day for tea! She is single, too, so we have that in common!
It sounds like I am busy – and I am, but I am also very aware of my limits, and do take time out to rest when I feel I need it. Abigail, as you can imagine, helps with this. It’s hard to tell her no when she comes and asks me to play a game with her. She makes me laugh all the time and I really do believe that a merry heart is truly good medicine. She continues to do a number on my heart.
Monday, I will be traveling to Vallegrande where I will teach a class on working with children within the church. Upon my return to Santa Cruz, we will begin preparing for a 3 day VBS which will be held sometime in April.
God has been very good to me…and I want to thank Him for all that He is doing. I also want to thank each and every one of you who takes time to pray for us here.
Quote for the Week: “The heart of education is the education of the heart!” –Unknown
Your sister in Christ,