Caroly Price, November 19, 2011
1. GOD! I am so thankful for His goodness and for the work He has done in my heart and life during the 15 months spent on furlough in the States.
2. My Supporters! Though I did not get to see everyone personally, I was able to visit all of my churches and most of the individuals who have been so faithful to support me over the past 25 years. Thank you for all you did to make my time in the states memorable.
3. You! Thank you so much for being willing to pray for me here in Bolivia!
1. I am finally in Bolivia! I will be attending the same church where my daughter and son- in-law attend in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, land of rather large mosquitos and extremely hot and humid temperatures. I had a nice meeting with Pastor Daniel Franco and his wife Charo and they have opened the way for me to be a part of their church, Emanuel Baptist Church.
2. I am re-adjusting to speaking in Spanish all the time.
1. Rafahel, Rene, Abigail and I will be traveling to Sucre next week after the Mission’s Conference at Emanuel. Lucy has already done much in the way of selling my things there and packing up what she knows I would want to keep. (She has worked with me for 12 years and probably knows me better than I know myself – still loves me just the same!) I know that we will be much to do yet.
2. I am excited about seeing everyone, though I know it will be also bittersweet when I leave Sucre for the last time. Well, it won’t be the last time as I will have opportunities to visit in the future, but my heart was there with them for a very long time.
At this point, it is not sure as to how or where I will get involved in Deaf education here in Santa Cruz. When I go to Sucre, I will be talking with Lucy, Cynthia, and Antonieta about the possible opportunities. Please pray with me that God will open the doors that He has for me and that I will have the wisdom to recognize them.
As I seek God’s will in where to work, I will continue working on the organizing project that I mentioned several months ago. There is still much to do! I also want to begin working on lessons once again upon my return.
1.I am acutely aware of the need for prayer as I look for what God has in store for me here in Santa Cruz.
2. Please continue praying for the Maries and the Deaf church in Sucre. The Maries are now on furlough and I know they would appreciate your prayers for the believers in Sucre in their absence.
Abigail asked me several days after my arrival if I was happy to see her. I told her, “Of course, sweetie! I waited days and days and days and days to see you and I am so happy to be with you!” She looked at me and said with a great big smile, “Me, too, grandma, me, too!” My heart melted.
Having waited over an hour for Rafahel and Rene at the airport (they were told I’d arrive at a different airport), it was so wonderful to see them when they did arrive! I got the best hug from Abigail! (And yes, I did get a little teary-eyed!) We then went to Camp David where their church was having a special outing. It took some doing, especially at my age, but I was finally convinced to run in a race where I had to pass off a baton. I ran full tilt to the surprise of everyone. During the second race, I ran even more quickly. Jhvonna, on the other team, cut in front of me as I passed off the baton. I was going too fast to stop and so I did a 180 degree turn trying to swirl around her instead of into her. (It was actually quite elegant!) However, what happened next nearly knocked me silly! As I swirled around her, I lost my balance and in trying to jump over some branches, (I was barefoot), ran smack-dab, face-first, right into a tree. Carolyn – 0, Tree – 1! The tree didn’t move either! As I stood, stooped over and stunned, those around kept asking me if it hurt! I could hardly answer! In my defense, I didn’t see the tree (not much of a defense, is it?) Anyway, it was a good “welcome back to Bolivia” moment and should keep me humble for a long time to come!
“None so empty of grace as he that thinks he is full.” –Thomas Watson
In closing, thank you for sticking by me “through thick-and-thin!” Have a great week!
Carolyn Price John 3:16, Romans 15:21
Mission Address: Baptist Pioneer Mission, P.O. Box 5114, Kincheloe, MI 49788 Email address: or