Boxes and Directories

Dear Trinity Baptist Church Family: An updated church directory was put in the boxes in the back of the church before Sunday. We attempt to maintain a directory of those who are currently attending our church. And we attempt to have a box in the back of the auditorium for every family listed in that directory.

The boxes have many purposes. Daily Bread devotional books and other good literature are distributed by the church office using the boxes. Worship schedules and nursery schedules are put into the boxes. Sometimes individual members use the boxes to give cards or other encouraging notes to each other. Some will use the directory and boxes to distribute Christmas cards.

There are some things the boxes in the back should NEVER be used for! No one should ever use the boxes as a means to advertise their business. Our first priority in being a people of God is not to make money off each other. It’s not wrong – in fact it is good – to have business relations with people in the church. But we ought not use church resources to promote our private business. Second, no one should ever give someone an anonymous letter in these boxes. Anonymous rebukes are never the wise or spiritual way of handling frustration. And third, the boxes should not be used to campaign for a political goal whether concerning our church business or for the larger community.

As far as I know, it has been a long time since anyone has abused the boxes. My agenda in this letter is not to correct, but rather to encourage the use of the boxes for purposes of spiritual instruction and relationship building.

Check your box!

Embracing Truth, Pastor

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