12. Being Poured Out (Phil. 2:16-18)
12. Being Poured Out (Phil. 2:16-18) Are you your brother’s keeper? Paul challenges christians to find joy in each others salvation. download http://trinityfdl.net/audio/leeds/phil/Dan01032016am.mp3
12. Being Poured Out (Phil. 2:16-18) Are you your brother’s keeper? Paul challenges christians to find joy in each others salvation. download http://trinityfdl.net/audio/leeds/phil/Dan01032016am.mp3
13. Receiving Examples (Phil. 2:19-30) What hinders you in your spiritual life? Paul gives examples of the Godly men who worked with him in his ministry. download
11. Work Out Your Own Salvation (Phil. 2:12-16) Paul challenges believers to be lights in this world. Will you be a holy, joyful light in a world of unholy darkness?. download http://trinityfdl.net/audio/leeds/phil/Dan12132015am.mp3
10. Servant is King (Phil. 2:9-11) Who will determine your choices? If Jesus Isn’t Lord of All, He is not Lord at all. download http://trinityfdl.net/audio/leeds/phil/Dan120615am.mp3
9. The Mind of Christ (Phil 2:5-8) We are to think like Christ, who humbled himself, served, and died for others. download http://trinityfdl.net/audio/leeds/phil/Dan11292015am.mp3