9. The Mind of Christ (Phil. 2:5-8)
9. The Mind of Christ (Phil 2:5-8) We are to think like Christ, who humbled himself, served, and died for others. download
9. The Mind of Christ (Phil 2:5-8) We are to think like Christ, who humbled himself, served, and died for others. download
How important is a foundation? Do we work with a correct purpose?
Join us as Pastor Shaeffer continues the series on the Family in Psalm 127 & 128.
14. Complete Submission (Colossians 3:22-4:6) – Can and should Christians submit to non-Christians as well? Pastor Leeds explains what submission looks like for Christians as they interact with those outside the church. download
6. Galatians 3:19-29 “The Law’s Purpose”
In our post-cross life, is there a purpose for the law? Listen in as Pastor breaks down the need for a law in our current culture.
10. Don’t Be Cheated (Colossians 2:16-23) – What right do other Christians have over each other? Pastor Leeds explains the freedom and responsibility we all have as Christians being free from the law which will never really change our hearts. download
Are you the church? What examples from the first church can we apply in our church today?