6. Galatians 3:19-29 “The Law’s Purpose”
6. Galatians 3:19-29 “The Law’s Purpose”
In our post-cross life, is there a purpose for the law? Listen in as Pastor breaks down the need for a law in our current culture.
6. Galatians 3:19-29 “The Law’s Purpose”
In our post-cross life, is there a purpose for the law? Listen in as Pastor breaks down the need for a law in our current culture.
25. Gog and Magog (Ezekiel 39) – What will happen when Gog and Magog invade Israel in the last days? Pastor Leeds continues his explanation of the last days based on Ezekiel 38-39 in by showing that God himself will be the deliverer of his people when they are attacked. download http://trinityfdl.net/audio/leeds/ezekiel/dan09152013am.mp3
Our Spring 2017 Bible Conference featured Dr. Wayne Vawter. Dr. Vawter previously pastored at Rocklake Baptist Church in Lake Mills, Wisconsin. Currently, he is the WFBC missions director. In this Bible Conference, Dr. Vawter focused on our commitment to Christ and the church. 1. Sunday School http://trinityfdl.net/audio/special/Dr.Vawter/Dr.Vawter03192017ss.mp3 2. Sunday Evening http://trinityfdl.net/audio/special/Dr.Vawter/Dr.Vawter03192017pm.mp3 3. Monday Evening http://trinityfdl.net/audio/special/Dr.Vawter/Dr.Vawter03202017pm.mp3…
12. Then You Will Know That I Am the Lord (Ezekiel 19-20) – What purpose does God have in showing mercy towards and punishing His people? Pastor Leeds explains that God’s actions toward His people serve to drive them to know that He is the Lord. download
If you were to never see your children again, what would you tell them?
14. Complete Submission (Colossians 3:22-4:6) – Can and should Christians submit to non-Christians as well? Pastor Leeds explains what submission looks like for Christians as they interact with those outside the church. download