26. Lost Opportunities (Matt 11:15-30)
26. Lost Opportunities (Matt 11:15-30) When God offers salvation, what does He expect man to do? Pastor Leeds tells of the judgment and blessings of responses to the gospel. download
Audio Player26. Lost Opportunities (Matt 11:15-30) When God offers salvation, what does He expect man to do? Pastor Leeds tells of the judgment and blessings of responses to the gospel. download
Audio Player18. Their Faith (Matt 9:1-9) – What impact does and should our faith have on other people? Pastor Leeds discusses the faith of the friends of the paralytic and how their faith turned into his healing and forgiveness from Christ. download http://trinityfdl.net/audio/leeds/matthew/dan04272014am.mp3
Pastor Rory’s Sunday Night Series in Psalms 6. God Must Act (Psalm 6) – Pastor Rory explains our need for repentance as we face the difficulties of life. Each problem we face is a reminder of our sin nature and God’s power to deliver. download [jwplayer mediaid=”2078″]
Can we pay of our debt? Do we need forgiveness? Pastor Shaeffer finishes the series on the family by preaching from Matthew 18 on Forgiveness.
Pastor Rory’s Sunday Evening Series in John 7. Belief & New Birth (John 3:9-21) – What is the significance of the repetition of belief in Jesus’ discussion of the new birth with Nicodemus? Pastor Rory discusses the immutable connection of belief and the new birth. download http://trinityfdl.net/audio/martin/john/rory02022014pm.mp3
3. Jesus’s Story: First Disciples
John 1:35-51
What is a disciple? Are you one?
7. Faith and Flawless Words? (James 3:1-12) download