24. Last Days (Ez 38)
24. Last Days (Ezekiel 38) – Who are Gog and Magog; Why are they important? Pastor Leeds explains Ezekiel’s prophecy concerning the invasion of Israel by Gog and Magog in the Last Days. download
Audio Player24. Last Days (Ezekiel 38) – Who are Gog and Magog; Why are they important? Pastor Leeds explains Ezekiel’s prophecy concerning the invasion of Israel by Gog and Magog in the Last Days. download
Audio PlayerAre you repentant? Pastor continues his series in Joel showing us what God promises to His repentant people.
9. The Mind of Christ (Phil 2:5-8) We are to think like Christ, who humbled himself, served, and died for others. download http://trinityfdl.net/audio/leeds/phil/Dan11292015am.mp3
3. Faith in Temptation (James 1:12-21)
We are sorry, but technical difficulties have prevented the availability of this sermon
4. Zechariah 7-8 “Did You Really Worship?”
Why do you go to church? Do you go to see God? Listen as Pastor walks through Zechariah 7-8 and consider what our purpose of worship is.
13. Last Call (Ezekiel 21-22) – Does God ever reach a point where judgment is so immanent that He gives His last call? Pastor Leeds explains the last call to Israel before their destruction when both the righteous and the wicked would be destroyed. download
14. Two Ways (Matt 7:1-14) – How is one to gain entrance to heaven? Pastor Leeds discusses Jesus teaching in the Sermon on the Mount concerning the broad way vs the narrow way. Which way are you on? download http://trinityfdl.net/audio/leeds/matthew/dan03162014am.mp3
Are you repentant? Pastor continues his series in Joel showing us what God promises to His repentant people.
9. The Mind of Christ (Phil 2:5-8) We are to think like Christ, who humbled himself, served, and died for others. download http://trinityfdl.net/audio/leeds/phil/Dan11292015am.mp3
3. Faith in Temptation (James 1:12-21)
We are sorry, but technical difficulties have prevented the availability of this sermon
4. Zechariah 7-8 “Did You Really Worship?”
Why do you go to church? Do you go to see God? Listen as Pastor walks through Zechariah 7-8 and consider what our purpose of worship is.
13. Last Call (Ezekiel 21-22) – Does God ever reach a point where judgment is so immanent that He gives His last call? Pastor Leeds explains the last call to Israel before their destruction when both the righteous and the wicked would be destroyed. download
14. Two Ways (Matt 7:1-14) – How is one to gain entrance to heaven? Pastor Leeds discusses Jesus teaching in the Sermon on the Mount concerning the broad way vs the narrow way. Which way are you on? download http://trinityfdl.net/audio/leeds/matthew/dan03162014am.mp3
Are you repentant? Pastor continues his series in Joel showing us what God promises to His repentant people.
9. The Mind of Christ (Phil 2:5-8) We are to think like Christ, who humbled himself, served, and died for others. download http://trinityfdl.net/audio/leeds/phil/Dan11292015am.mp3
3. Faith in Temptation (James 1:12-21)
We are sorry, but technical difficulties have prevented the availability of this sermon
4. Zechariah 7-8 “Did You Really Worship?”
Why do you go to church? Do you go to see God? Listen as Pastor walks through Zechariah 7-8 and consider what our purpose of worship is.
13. Last Call (Ezekiel 21-22) – Does God ever reach a point where judgment is so immanent that He gives His last call? Pastor Leeds explains the last call to Israel before their destruction when both the righteous and the wicked would be destroyed. download
14. Two Ways (Matt 7:1-14) – How is one to gain entrance to heaven? Pastor Leeds discusses Jesus teaching in the Sermon on the Mount concerning the broad way vs the narrow way. Which way are you on? download http://trinityfdl.net/audio/leeds/matthew/dan03162014am.mp3