Monday Blessings

Last night after a full Lord’s Day, I settled down in a chair and checked my email. From our website there was a letter from a former student. She thanked Lin and I for the verses and songs she learned in school. She thanked us for the tools she uses in teaching her children. She told us of mementos she still has that she received from us when she was in school – things we had long forgotten giving away. She thanked us for continuing to do what we do.

And so it is Monday morning, again. And we go to school, again. Why? Because that’s who we are and what we do? That’s part of it. But every once in a while God allows us to be reminded that we get to touch eternity, again.

This coming Lord’s Day we will certify Jeremy Shaeffer for pastoral ministry in an ordination service. This is the work and opportunity of the whole church. It is appropriate to give a gift to someone being ordained for them to use for ministry tools – like books. There will be a box in the auditorium for cards for Jeremy and Amber.

May you have a blessed week.

Embracing Truth, Pastor

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