Here a Little for July 8, 2012

Monday – read Mark 6:32-44
What lessons might Jesus want His disciples to learn from this story?

Tuesday – read Mark 6:45-52
What does Mark mean by “they had not understood about the loaves”?

Wednesday -read Mark 6:53-56
What did the people of Geneserat want from Jesus?

Thursday – read Mark 7:1-4
Why did the Pharisees wash the way they did?

Friday – read Mark 7:5-8
What did the Pharisees think of the disciples?

Saturday – read Mark 7:9-13
What did Jesus say the disciples had done to the Word of God?

Pray for us …
Church Ministry: Ladies’ Kitchen Committee: Carolyn Olson, Lin Leeds, Hannah Leeds, Lisa Kaufman, Pat Miller, Kim Struska
This committee is in charge of the church kitchen. Among other duties they keep a sign-up active for help at church dinners.

Church-supported Missionary: Susie Kallal
Susie is currently home on furlough. We can expect her to be at TBC in the next year. Susie intends to begin a new ministry in Bledsoe, Kentucky.

Members of the Body of Christ:
Linda Mand
Linda works at MAG. She is part of the Ladies’ Cleaning Committee and maintains our church cleaning schedule sign-ups.

Mary Kay Mand
Mary Kay is a member of our adult choir.

Roger & Joslyn Marsh: Amanda, David, Jonathan, Andrew, Matthew, Timothy, Joseph, Rebekah.
Roger puts in long hours delivering bread from a wholesale truck.
Joslyn homeschools her family. This time of year they are busy with baseball!