Here a Little for January 12, 2014

Monday – read Acts 2:41-43
What two requirements for church membership are given here?

Tuesday – read Acts 2:44-47
Who was together and who was added to the church?

Wednesday -read 1 Corinthians 11:17-22
For whom is the Lord’s Table?

Thursday – read 1 Corinthians 11:23-29
What two things should we do when we eat the Lord’s Table?

Friday – read 1 Corinthians 5:9-13
Who should not be allowed to eat the Lord’s Table?

Saturday – read Matthew 3:13-17
What connection is there between Jesus’ baptism and our ordinances (baptism & Lord’s Table)?

Pray for us …
Church Ministry: Song Leading: Pastor Rory, Jeremy Shaeffer, Randy Martin, Dave Douglas, Pastor
These men greatly aid our worship as they lead us in Congregational singing.

Church-supported Missionary: Doug & Cheryl Boisvert
Doug & Cheryl lead seminars in Africa and Asia that give teaching aids to local church ministries.

Members of the Body of Christ:
Dale & Jenny Giese
Jenny is employed at Quad Graphics.

Suzanne Goldapske
Suzanne is part of Closer to Glory. She is sister to Bonnie and Sandy.

Ted & Stephanie Hanes: Valarie, Almanzo, Oliver
Ted is an engineer at Mercury. Stephanie is a full-time mom.
Ted is an Awana leader. Stephanie sings in our choir and ministers in special music.

Russ Hemsey
Russ is on his way to Texas for the winter. He will be attending many church services in a place called Bibleville.

John & Christine Holzman
John is engaged to be married to Jenny.
Christine is our Awana Puggles leader.

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