Here a Little for December 15, 2013

Monday – read Matthew1:1
What do you think is the significance of Jesus being called the son of David and the son of Abraham?

Tuesday – read Matthew 1:1-4
Write what you know of Tamar from Genesis 39.

Wednesday -read Matthew 1:5-6
Write what you know of Rahab from Joshua 2.

Thursday – read Matthew 1:5-6
Write what you know of Ruth from Ruth 1.

Friday – read Matthew 1:5-6
Write what you know of Bathsheba from 1 Samuel 11.

Saturday – read Matthew 1:7-17
A lot of men are mentioned in this chapter, but only 4 women. Why do you think these 4 women were included?
Pray for us …
Church Ministry: Lord’s Table: Roberta Scherck has taken the responsibility of making sure the communion table is ready when I schedule a Lord’s Table according to the schedule approved by the Men’s Meeting. She bakes the bread, sets up the table, and cleans up after the service.

Church-supported Missionary: Joel & Joanie Troester
The Troesters are church-planting in Mozambique, Africa. They partner with Brazilian missionaries. They work on projects to help the the Africans economically so that they can support themselves.

Members of the Body of Christ:
Tony & Beth Braker
Tony is General Manager at the Waupun Taco Bell. Beth works in the Sales and Catering office at Holiday Inn.
Both work in Awana where they are Commander-in-Training. Tony is a member of the Finance Committee and Beth co-teaches 1st & 2nd Grade Sunday School.

Tim & Amy Butterfield
Amy has a used-book store in Plymouth. She also sells Lego to collectors!

Curt & Sue Carter
Curt is in sales in a company that whole sells batteries for electronic equipment. Sue works for a pediatrician at Aurora Health.
Their son Justin is working on his doctorate in church history. Their daughter Briana lives in Minnesota with her husband and children.

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